
The King of Limbs Part 2?

Radiohead's new album has been out for a few days now and I'm really enjoying it. Certainly not the rock friendly approach In Rainbows was, there are no radio singles here; very doubtful we'll have a Gnarls Barkley cover. Regardless, the album is very good, reminds me a lot of Kid A's style, and seems to grow more lush and beautiful with each listen. But while I and the rest of the music listening public pour into this album (and it pours into us) a question has risen; "Is this Part 1."

Many Radiohead fans are convinced that this is not the full bounty of the band's 2011 release, believing the sequel will appear sometime in the future. Radiohead themselves have said next to nothing about their new album, a possible tour in support of it, or their future plans for 2011. In typical Radiohead fashion, they seem absent from the conversation leaving fans and critics to discuss the music, and only the music, amongst themselves. A wondrous development you'd wish someone like Kanye West would take note of. But whatever Radiohead's plans are for 2011 (they could literally do anything; they did just release an eight track albums seemingly out of thin air) here are the clues pointing to a possible second part to The King Of Limbs.
  1. The final track is named "Separator". Could it bare this name because it in fact is the separating track between Part 1 and Part 2?
  2. On the final lines of "Separator", Thom Yorke sings "if you think this is over, then you're wrong". Are we wrong to think this is the end of the album?
  3. Some fans noticed that the downloaded album was named TKOL1. Could there be a TKOL2 coming soon?
  4. Others still point out the existence of other Radiohead demos being kicked around over the years, not present on the new release, as possible proof a second offering may be coming.
So what do you think, is a second Radiohead album likely, and will it come out soon?


  1. I hope so as well! Amnesiac was Part 2 to Kid A. There was a second In Rainbows. Let hope the pattern continues

  2. Point 5. There are 2 vinyls. It doesn't make sense to have 2 songs on each side.

  3. If they are 2, 10 inch vinyls, spinning at 45 rpm, 2 songs per side is reasonable.

  4. Amnesiac is not part two to Kid A. It is its own entity.

  5. I am another firm believer in TKOL Part 2. The fact that they have so much material that is out there and not released. The first ever Newspaper album without the track The Daily Mail - doesn't make sense. The Present Tense, Super Collider, and Let Me take Control (aka A Walk Down The Staircase) would be ridulous to leave off any new material. And surely only having TKOL as an 8 track album seems very odd with all these unrecorded stuff laying around. I think it is fair to say that their is going to be more Radiohead in the near future. I also wrote a post about this over at my blog.

  6. http://thekingoflimbspart-2.blogspot.com/

    There is part 2 available to download here and it looks legit..
