Welcome to the wonderful world of Tommy Cash, the brother of legendary Country artist Johnny Cash. Now not only is Tommy Johnny's brother, but he's a Country music star too. WTF crazy right, I've never heard of this Tommy Fellow, well fear not dear reader Muse-Zach is here to give you all the info you need.
So he's Johnny's younger brother, eight years younger to be exact. According to his website (wiki has a cut and paste smaller version of the same bio), he joined the military where he was a disco jockey, and after being released played music with Hank Williams Jr. Not sure what "played music with Hank Williams Jr." means?

Were they in a band together? Did they play in the same clubs? Whatever the answer, he was given a record deal in 1965 by Musicor Records (who?). He almost had a top 40 Country hit in 1968 with "The Sounds of Goodbye", #41 (#17 in Canada), but really shined in 1969. He missed the top 40 again with "Your Lovin' Takes the Leavin' Out of Me"(#43) only to follow it up later that year with "Six White Horses", his biggest hit which landed #4 on the Country charts (#1 in Canada) and #78 on the Billboard Hot 100. The song was dedicated to John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King. Tommy had two more top ten Coutnry singles in 1970, but ended the year with his single "The Tears on Lincoln's Face" only reaching #36; he would never make the top ten again. From 1971 to 1973, Tommy had eight singles all chart within the Country Top 40, 1973's "I Recall a Gypsy Woman" was his highest at #16 and his last in the Top 20. By 1974 his career was in rapid decline, many of his singles failing to chart at all. Between 1974 and 1979, Tommy had only 4 out of his 12 released singles make it on the Country Top 100; 1978's "Take My Love to Rita" was his last chart entry at #98 (Canada had lost interest in him by 1973).

After 1979, Tommy Cash fans would have to wait three years for new music. He released a single in 1982, and two more in 1983. Seven more long years would pass before Tommy released the stupidly named album 25th Anniversary Album; a duet with George Jones and a duet with his brother were both released as singles. Another six years and Tommy released "Man of Experience" as a single in 1996, no album, and in 2009 released "Ramblin Kind" off his new Fade to Black album.
So it looks Tommy Cash was doing pretty good for three years. Not spectacular, but hey how many people can say they had a top ten Country hit single? Not to many. But...although I wasn't around than, so I can't say for sure, having a legend like Johnny Cash for a brother didnt hurt. It would be pointless to compare the two Cash brothers's careers, one fucking MT. Everest and the other is....some random hill. By the time Tommy released his first single, Johnny was already a household name a decade into his career with a truckload of hits. Having the last name Cash wouldn't hurt anyone, but some talent would have to be present. The two years where Tommy had three songs int he Country Top Ten Singles, Johnny had 10 singles released; 5 were #1 and three more were in the top ten. He also had three #1 Country Albums. Not a bad time to be Johnny's little brother.
Tommy's website tagline is "The Name is Recognized...the Talent is Evident", so let's put this mantra to the test by listening to Tommy's Five highest ranked songs, and his two most recent songs. Will he have Johnny's distinct voice and presence? Let's find out.
Ok we'll start with his biggest hit 1969's "Six White Horses."
Hmmmm..initial reaction: Definitely has the stance and kind of look of Johnny. While humming he definitely sounds like his brother, but his voice is definitely not as baritone. Song sucks. Really nothing special to the way he sings it.
1970's "Rise and Shine": Better, like the upbeat tempo. Really wasn't expecting Jesus to come into this song but whatever. I dunno voice sounds alright, certainly not bad, just nothing..extra about it. Sounds like an average guy singing decently.
Also from 1970, with a nice intro from his big bro. His voice definitely sounds better, I dunno didnt really like this song or hate it..just blaah. No stage presence.
Detour on Tommy's hits, here's one with his brother and Tom T. Hall. Tommy adds nothing to the song, and when he sings it gives me pause to realize how poorly written this song is, something I forget about when Tom or Johnny is on the mic. Like a not so good Johnny Cash impersonator.
Lol had to play this song, the title is priceless. Song has themes that are similar to one of his brother's songs, just not written or performed nearly as well.
A nice send up to his brother, and while I was with him for a while, there are some odd lyrical choices in this song. Doesn't really flow that well in areas. Plus...Johnny would have sang this one better lol.
Hahah, look at the dudes clapping at :36, funny shit. Sounds good when the sing together, Tommy seems to amplify Johnny. Seriously some of the fucking comments on these vids say the sound exactly the same, are you fucking deaf. Johnny is like a fine wine and Tommy is the cheap knock off....Oops, sorry Tommy.
Alright, well thats enough Tommy for today, consider this part one, tomorrow we'll look at the modern day Tommy Cash.
Here's a rare YouTube video of Tommy's tribute song he and Dallas Howard wrote for his brother Johnny in 1996. It was on a single 45 I believe. Anyway though you might want to add it to your page.