Fuck Lou Reed. After seeing Ozzy I was sympathetic but disapointed. After David Allen Coe, I was confused and a bit disalusioned. But after seeing Lou Reed live, I was fucking pissed off. Before tearing into this, and yes I realize this blog is getting long as fuck (feel free to take a milk and cookie break), I'll give a little back information. Lou Reed on all accounts is considered by many to be a rock icon. He hasn't exactly sold a shit ton of albums, but music critics love him to death both as the lead singer of The Velvet Underground, as for being a solo artist. As a music lover and concert goer, I am very resetive to legends, even if I'm not that familiar with their actual body of work. When I saw that Lou Reed was slated to be at Lollapalooza in 2009, it was pretty much a done deal that I was going to go see him; his name was just to prolific to pass up. I knew a few Velvet Underground songs, their self-titled third album is fucking awesome, and decided my brother's copy of The Best of Lou Reed was a good enough study guide for the concert. I listened to the album five or six times of a month period, and really enjoyed it; further cementing my commitment to see Reed's performance at Lollapalooza. For anyone that's never been to Lollapalooza, it's a fucking amazing time, but unfortunatley bands overlapp so it's pretty impossible to see every good band there (unless you're a moron and run from stage to stage never seeing a full set). I went with my youngest brother that year (technically my cousin went too, but we wont talk about him), and we had our three days planned out to the T. The only thing we didnt agree on was Sunday night, so after watching Dan Auerbach's set we went our seperate ways. He traveled to the other side of the park to watch Snoop Dogg and get a great spot upfront for The Killers (completely ignoring Silversun Pickups), while I bedded with the goal of seeing Jane's Addiction. My plan was simple: I'd relax on the grass watching Lou Reed's set, mozzy on over to the very nearby Playstation Stage to see Band of Horses, and than leave around halway through their set to secure a good spot to rock out full force to Jane's Addiction. Sounds like a pretty musically wonderful evening right? Well I hadn't factored in Lou Reed being a piece of shit.
Lollapalooza is a festival, there are a lot of bands playing each day on each stage and in order to keep the activities running smoothly a schedule needs to be adheard to. There are four main stages at Lollapalooza (as wells as a bunch of smaller ones) two at each end of the park. I was at the north end of the park by the Budweiser and Playstation stages, which are maybe two football fields apart. To keep the music running endlessly all day long, the close procimitey stages switch alternate; so one stage will have a band playing while the other is setting up and vise versa. Each band gets to play for one hour. As effective and easy as that sounds to run a well maned concert, Lou Reed decided to shit on everyones parade. Following Dan Auerbach's performance on the Playstation Stage, I walked over to the Budweiser Stage and found a good spot on the grass where I could sit back comfortably and still see the stage, I felt no need to fight for the front I was content to take it easy and rest up for the night's big finale. My brother was still with me at this point, having elected to catch the first couple songs of Lou's setlist. We waited, and waited, and waited, and after ten minutes he bailed to see Snoop Dogg (wise choice; crazy that both him and Lou are on the new Gorillaz album). For the first time in two days, the north end of Grant Park was silent as one stage setup for Band of Horses while the other waited or Lou Reed to fucking join the party. Around ten more minutes would pass before the former Velvet Underground frontman showed his face. With no apolagies or excusess, Lou took the mic and his band launched into "Sweet Jane", a wonderful song and a crowd favorite.

So are we done, is this my Lou Reed complain? Nope, sorry bra there was definately more. So besides making the stage hands, roadies, adjust his telepromtor several times, Lou also thought they did a piss poor job tuning the instruments on stage. Randomly, again and again throughout the set, Lou would suddenly deem his guitar as not sounding adequate and stop playing. The majority of the time this happened in the middle of a song, you'd think he'd notice this right away. At first he would look stop playing and look over the end of the stage for a roadie to correct the mistake Lou though existed. He sounded just fine to me, though I certainly do not possess the most perfectly trained guitar tuning ears. I was actually surprised at how tight and good, Lou's band sounded. Even his vocals were top notch, but he kept thinking things were going aerie with his guitar. At a few changes, he stopped even looking over to the roadies, he'd simply stop playing and stand there staring off into space until a stage-hand noticed and darted onstage. Once after having his guitar changed, he immediately hated the new one after strumming no more than two notes; so he dropped his arms again forcing another stage and to run out another guitar. Pretty ridiculous if you ask me. It's common for an artist to switch guitars after a song or two, they may need a guitar tuned in a different for the next song, or once in a while a string might break and a stage-hand will run a fresh out to them quick, but this was fucking beyond anything that should happen at a show and I don't think it was the stage crew's fault. Lou even took it up a notch later in the concert. Twice I saw him walk over to his other guitar or bass player and whisper in their ear for a second. Immediately after Lou was done talking, they too dropped their instruments and looked to the side of the stage, wanting new instruments. And it's not like they made any indication that they themselves though their instruments sounded off key, no they only did so because their in the fucking Lou Reed band and Lou Reed said so.

Would I go Again? Fuck no. I've heard that Lou pulls this kind of shit at his own concerts as well, a real shame. I will never pay to see Lou Reed live, so unless he just happens to be at some festival I attend, though I strongly doubt I'll venture over to see him anyway, I highly doubt our paths will pass again.
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