
5 Reasons Sucker Punch Sucked

I was recently sucker punched when I paid $8 to see a piece of shit movie called Sucker Punch and sadly realized I was never going to see that money again. Fuck I should have bought the new Strokes album instead. At least the theater I saw it in served beer so the entire experience wasn't horrible. Here are the 5 reasons this film sucked:
  1.  Depth: No character in his movie has any fucking depth to speak of. Everyones persona can be summed up in a single sentence. She's the hard nosed over protective big sister. She's the plucky innocent girl always ready to help. Never did I give a shit about what happened to anyone.
  2. Repetitive: Want to make your movie really fucking boring, than have your plot points repeat themselves again and again and again and again. 4 fucking times this happens in the film: Girls realize they need an item, Girls talk about how hard it will be to get said item, Girls dance for a man to get item, Main Girl fantasizes a video game-esque battle scene while dancing, Girls defeat over done video game boss, Girls retrieve item. Repeat.
  3. Off Camera: The only things in this movie I was actually interested in were the many things the director decided not to show me. The main girls amazing dance moves that keep her alive and put every male character into a horny trance: not showed. The murder of two of the main side character girls: happens just off camera, we hear the gun but see no blood or death. The constant references to the girls working at a brothel: none of them ever take a man to a room or a bed, only one scene where a girl sits on a man's lap.
  4. Music: Scene after fucking scene of this movie is shot like your watching a fucking music video, with the music really loud and quick jumping action. Ya it works in a 3 minute video where the main focus is the song and the visuals are usually just made up scenarios to showcase the music, but it doesn't fucking work when your suppose to be devolping a plot or unhashing characters.
  5. Horrible Ending: *Spoiler Alert* At the end we realize that outside of the main girl's fantasy world of being at some kind of whore house, she really did try and escape the psych hospital she was really in with three other girls. Sadly the end results of her efforts are herself being labotomized, three girls dying, and one girl escaping, but since we never see this girl in the actual real world it's unclear if she actually does escape or if she really did need to be at that hospital. Don't you just love fucking retarded endings to fucking retraded movies?


  1. This movie sucked ass! I agree with everything you said. I mean...WTF! Was the director high?

  2. yup and lets not forget the old "ugly guys are the villains" funny how the normal looking gaurd was all like "im not gonna hurt these girls" becuase you can't make a good looking character evil. (well at least not this evil) i pretty much guessed everything that was gonna happen in the first 45 seconds and i swear i was dead on. that and the fact that the battles felt more like a trailer for a video game , i kept half expecting the word "sucker punch " to pop up on screen just before the final blow in each battle. and the music arghhh!!! it made it worse, made it feel like a "gasp" AMV ...made with video game trailers.

  3. *shrugs* I didnt pay to see it so it wasn't so bad. lmao

  4. Let me guess, all u guys are males. The only reason you hated sucker punch so much is because u didn't look at the message it was trying to send. Its about believing in yourself and fighting for who you are, Blue was raping the girls in the real world. I loved sucker punch because It makes me believe that no matter what situation your in, you can always fight and be free.
    Its not about girls having sex with guys or fighting monsters, its about believing in yourself. So don't judge a movie that you hate just because there wasn't any sex or backstory or good characters!

    thx :)

  5. I'm a female, and I could not stand this movie. I didn't actually want to see it, but a friend of mine did, so I went with her.
    Never have I left a movie before it ended, and only once did I fall asleep in a movie (Failure to Launch - another one I didn't want to see but went with friends). I could not stand to watch another minute of Sucker Punch. It was so godawful. I left the theater about 1hr 15mins into the movie. Couldn't bear the thought of seeing any more.
    I got no message of "self-belief", or "pressing on", etc.
    Just money wasted, and an hour and fifteen minutes of my life gone, never to be seen again.

  6. yeah.. i didnt know what to expect going into this movie, "sex with guys and fighting monsters" didnt cross my mind either, as anon up there said. i did expect it to be action packed, it wasnt the story i was expecting, but i gave it a chance. i dont care about the characters whatsoever, the ending was horrible, and if they really were trying to give a message about loving yourself, then fight for your life, dont just give it up at the end like she did.. ugh.. leave it to a woman to miss the point of the whole movie

  7. Fact of the matter is... Zack Snyder is a good director, but a shitty writer. This was the first big budget movie that was written by him and it shows.

  8. good points, i agree. although i have to give it some points for uniqueness...most movies that come out these days are just remakes and copies of copies with the same old stupid plot and the same old stupid love story over and over again (seriously WTF).if i think about it..even if i was very unsatisfied with SP, its still better than transformers, spiderman, captain america and all the other cliché clone movies that get all the high ratings by the retarded mass.

  9. Did you just say I shouldn't dislike a movie because there isn't a back story or good characters?????so fuck a plot and a script and actors while were at it!! In fact fuck movies all together we'll all just go to the movie theater and watch someone play a video game for an hour and a half. The only this movie should be shown is on the lifetime network where all men are scum bag rapist and all the women have to do is stick together and kick the despicable male hordes in the collective nuts and bang..... Happy ending! No offense but the only people who will like "sucker punch" are teenaged girls who've been bad touched by uncle pervert.

  10. http://worddoodling.wordpress.com/2011/03/28/why-sucker-punch-is-smarter-than-you-think/

    You are an idiot. Please read why Sucker Punch is smarter than you think.

  11. Wow, you really did not get the msg sucker punch was sending out did you? First, not all movie end with "and she live happily ever after". This movie is wonderful beyond words. You guys just watched to many stupid movie that expain everything like viewers are bunch of babies. Other viewers who are smarter than you know how to look for the clues throughout the movie and piece it all together. GTFO stupidest movie review ever.

  12. I thought the plot was explained at the end of the movie connecting every action sequence with what really happened. And it's really not that original. A lot of the imagery is taken almost directly from video games and other action movies. Off the top of my head a video game called Wet and I instantly thought Kill Bill after the first few minutes. It's not the worst movie but it's so not anywhere near the emotional depth that people claim it has.

  13. "http://worddoodling.wordpress.com/2011/03/28/why-sucker-punch-is-smarter-than-you-think/

    You are an idiot. Please read why Sucker Punch is smarter than you think."

