
Six Pack: Jack's Mannequin

Welcome to a new segment at Muse-Zach, Six Pack, were we run down six key songs from a group in question. Today we will be looking at Jack's Mannequin who will be in Duluth on Sunday playing a show at the Clyde Iron. Jack's Mannequin is a four piece Alternative-rock band from Orange Country, they currently have three studio albums out with a fourth due this summer.

Yes Jack I have been alone in a crowded room before and based on this first song I'm not entirely sure I do want you with me. I dunno it's alright I guess, but a bit over emotional and not really saying anything. Oh cool the sky is perfect: dark blue.

God dammit, fucking Youtube won't let me embedded any of Jack's videos on my fucking blog. This song reminds me a lot of the last song; emotional, cliche, about nothing, but alluding to many things. It's like music for young people who think they've conquered some difficult task or are dealing with a supposed hardship, but really it's meh, just like this song.

Here we have Jack covering John Lennon's "God" with Mick Fleetwood (Fleetwood Mac) on drums, it's off that John Lennon Aid Africa Tribute Album from a few years ago. Song sucks, adds nothing to the original whatsoever.
Fun Fact: The Beatle's own Ringo Starr played drums on the original track.

Alright, best Jack's song so far. The band's sounding pretty good, Jack' a little whinny on lead vocals, but hey what can you do, apparently some chick broke his heart, wasn't feeling the dark blue sky, and he thinks he'll be back, but she won't.

Hmmm.....Dear Jack, I feel like this song is a combination of letter your fans wrote you conveying their feelings on your music. Cool idea (if I'm right), decent song.

Dam Jennifer Love Hewitt used to be really hot, than she started talking to fucking ghost. Song is alright as background music, feel like this band is more for the female persuasion.

Let's play one track from each of the opening bands so we'll know if it's worth it to arrive early.

Steel Train

Interesting 9/11 song we got here, was teetering in the "I fucking hate this category" but that subsided.

Lady Danville

First off I was really expecting this to be a female singer-songwriter not a group of dudes, but whatever works. This is actually a pretty good song, I like it more than any of Jack's songs and way more than Steel Train; go Lady Danville

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