Ya see, some times I can be a bit of a prick and a few weeks back I may have been a little cruel with Lyfe Jennings. I began to feel bad from ridiculing this new video "Statistics" and not giving the man a fair shake. So you know what I did, I went out and bought Lyfe's new album, actually I bought his entire discography, yep. Than I listened to them non-stop for days, blown away by the Lyfe I had been missing. Hypnotized I became Lyfe's Facebook friend, followed him on twitter, and covered my bedroom walls with his sexy chocolate self. Buying a ticket to see him at the Fine Line Cafe was the icing on my Lyfe dreams, and I posted a countdown ticker on my Myspace watching the moments to ecstasy slowly fade away. Than today, the day that should have seen me finally meeting my Lyfe face to face, I got a shocking email from Ticketmaster. It seemed my life had been canceled with no reason given. Was it back injury, vocal chord sourness, I had to know. With a little research (seconds on Google), I had my answer and my heart sank. Noooo, Lyfe had been sentenced to three years in jail, wtf was I going to do now to get my Friday night concert fix, drive all the way to Norton, MN to see fucking Creedance Clearwater Revisited? Fuck that shit.
Lol now lets get real for a second. Lyfe Jennings is indeed going to spend the next three years in jail. Why you ask, well our good friends at Examiner.com provides the answer:
Jennings was arrested after a domestic altercation with the mother of his two children escalated into an incident that saw the “Statistic” singer firing shots from a .40 caliber gun right before hopping in his car in an attempt to evade arrest. Lyfe led cops on a high-speed car chase in Smyrna, Georgia which ended after Lyfe crashed into a tree.
Jennings was arrested and charged with "DUI test refusal, criminal trespassing, discharging a weapon near a street, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer."
At the time of sentencing, Jennings reportedly asked to at least return home to say goodbye to his children before heading to jail but the judge refused.
Hahahaha this is fucking hilarious, and I'm so glad the judge threw the book at him. Here is Lyfe's teary eyed confession:
Tisk tisk when will these rappers learn. So what does this little incident mean for the future career of Lyfe Jennings? Well from where I'm sitting things look pretty bleak. This isn't no 8 months TI or Lil Wayne sentencing, where you can bounce back fast and fill headlines with your incarceration and release. Lyfe isn't nearly that famous. Do you know how fast the music landscape changes in three fucking years, especially in the super competitive R&B and rap world? Hell the way things are going Lyfe's record company may not even exist in three years. Unless he gets a miracle upon release, the fame he was building will only crumble and his chances of platinum sales have most likely slipped away. The funny thing is this story is barely getting news coverage, non of the major news channels or music websites have stories posted about Lyfe's total fuck up. Oh well, at least we here at Muse-Zach have some words of wisdom for Lyfe, delivered by our dear friends in The Offspring.
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